Welfare Department
The Town of Milford Welfare Department provides interim emergency assistance for low income residents through a voucher system. Requests may be made through a written application process, including an initial assessment intake. Eligibility is based on a financial review of basic needs and available applicant resources.
Welfare Application Below
In addition to the application, you will be asked to provide the following documentation:
- Social security numbers and photo ids
- Documentation for children
- Car registration
- Rental agreement/verification
- Bank statements for all members of household
- Bills including rent receipts, utilities, telephone, cable, storage unit, doctor/medical bills, car, insurance
- Paycheck stubs for the previous 4 weeks
- Any other source of income including but not limited to tax return, child support, or gifts from family/friends
- Documentation from other agencies such as DHHS, Fuel Assistance, Social Security, Unemployment
- Medical notes when appropriate
If you are in need of long term assistance such as Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), foster care, disability grants, Medicaid, food stamps, and more, you may contact the New Hampshire Dept. of Health and Human Services, 603-883-7726, or nheasy.nh.gov.
(603) 249-0672
SHARE Center
One Columbus AveMilford, NH 03055