Here is an overview of some of the projects the Town is working on. Click on any link below to jump to a more detailed description of the project.
127 Elm Street Feasibility and Master Plan
The HL Turner Group along with Ironwood Design Associates was retained by the Town of Milford to conduct and prepare a needs assessment and feasibility study to develop options for a possible Community and Senior Center through the reuse/renovation of an existing 30,000 square foot commercial/industrial building located at 127 Elm Street or the construction of a new facility on the subject property and Keyes Memorial Park property. The scope included evaluating the current/future recreational and social programming within the Town and collaboration/ partnerships with non-profit, private organizations, and community groups within the Community to determine the footprint and spatial requirements of the Center and facilities.
This study builds off a previous study completed by the Keyes Memorial Park Expansion Committee in December 2016 which detailed information about the Committee’s findings, process, and recommendations focusing on integration of the parcels, public awareness, public safety, traffic improvements, asset management, and long-term planning. This report should be viewed as a continuation of that 2016 effort. The Community Center Feasibility Report was commissioned and funded by the Milford Recreation Commission in 2020 after the Board of Selectmen determined that more information was required to assess the viability and reuse of the 127 Elm Street property for Town use and recreational programming.
127 Elm Street Feasibility Study
127 Elm Street Feasibility Study
The HL Turner Group along with Ironwood Design Associates was retained by the Town of Milford to conduct and prepare a needs assessment and feasibility study to develop options for a possible Community and Senior Center through the reuse/renovation of an existing 30,000 square foot commercial/industrial building located at 127 Elm Street or the construction of a new facility on the subject property and Keyes Memorial Park property. The scope included evaluating the current/future recreational and social programming within the Town and collaboration/ partnerships with non-profit, private organizations, and community groups within the Community to determine the footprint and spatial requirements of the Center and facilities.
This study builds off a previous study completed by the Keyes Memorial Park Expansion Committee in December 2016. which detailed information about the Committee’s findings, process, and recommendations focusing on integration of the parcels, public awareness, public safety, traffic improvements, asset management, and long-term planning. This report should be viewed as a continuation of that 2016 effort. The Community Center Feasibility Report was commissioned and funded by the Milford Recreation Commission in 2020 after the Board of Selectmen determined that more information was required to assess the viability and reuse of the 127 Elm Street property for Town use and recreational programming.
Documents can be seen in the resource section below.
Documents can be seen in the resource section below.
Milford Downtown Improvements Project
In 2021, the Town received authorization from the Federal Highway Administration and New Hampshire Department of Transportation to proceed with the Route 101A / Route 13 / Oval Improvement transportation improvement project. The project will focus on two areas within the extended downtown area on Nashua Street, Clinton Street, and Tonella Road and within the Milford Oval. The allocated amount for the two sub-projects is $2,061,251. The Town’s 20% obligation is $412,250 and has funded by the previously appropriated matching balance. The Town selected VHB in 2019 as its design engineering consultant for the projects. The public/stakeholder outreach meeting to discuss design alternatives is slated to begin in early 2023 followed by the development of the engineering study/design by VHB. Once the final engineering design is reviewed and approved by NHDOT, construction would occur in mid/late 2024. The two sub-projects are summarized below.
Project A: Nashua Street / Clinton Street/Tonella Road Improvements:
As part of the Milford Downtown Pedestrian Traffic Improvements project area, the project seeks to widen Nashua Street to accommodate a center turning lane and connect sidewalks on Clinton Street, Nashua Street, and Tonella Road. Further, with the construction of the CVS Pharmacy building, the project seeks to signalize the Nashua Street and Clinton Street intersection. The general goal and objective is to relieve congestion, improve pedestrian safety and connectivity along one of the Town’s primary corridors.
Project B: Milford Downtown Oval Improvements:
The focus areas for this project involve pedestrian and traffic improvements within the Historic Oval District and the southern portion of South Street (Lincoln Street, Marshall Drive, Prospect Street, and South Street). The general goal and objective of this project is to enhance pedestrian safety/access and improve vehicular circulation throughout the Oval area and along NH 101A (Nashua Street and Elm Street), NH 13 (Mont Vernon Street), and South Street, and provide parking opportunities to support an expanding and vibrant downtown. Most of the work will fall with the existing rights-of-way and previously disturbed areas.
As part of the Milford Downtown Pedestrian Traffic Improvements project area, the project seeks to widen Nashua Street to accommodate a center turning lane and connect sidewalks on Clinton Street, Nashua Street, and Tonella Road. Further, with the construction of the CVS Pharmacy building, the project seeks to signalize the Nashua Street and Clinton Street intersection. The general goal and objective is to relieve congestion, improve pedestrian safety and connectivity along one of the Town’s primary corridors.
Project B: Milford Downtown Oval Improvements:
The focus areas for this project involve pedestrian and traffic improvements within the Historic Oval District and the southern portion of South Street (Lincoln Street, Marshall Drive, Prospect Street, and South Street). The general goal and objective of this project is to enhance pedestrian safety/access and improve vehicular circulation throughout the Oval area and along NH 101A (Nashua Street and Elm Street), NH 13 (Mont Vernon Street), and South Street, and provide parking opportunities to support an expanding and vibrant downtown. Most of the work will fall with the existing rights-of-way and previously disturbed areas.
Milford Downtown Improvements Project
In 2021, the Town received authorization from the Federal Highway Administration and New Hampshire Department of Transportation to proceed with the Route 101A / Route 13 / Oval Improvement transportation improvement project. The project will focus on two areas within the extended downtown area on Nashua Street, Clinton Street, and Tonella Road and within the Milford Oval. The allocated amount for the two sub-projects is $2,061,251. The Town’s 20% obligation is $412,250 and has funded by the previously appropriated matching balance. The Town selected VHB in 2019 as its design engineering consultant for the projects. The public/stakeholder outreach meeting to discuss design alternatives is slated to begin in early 2023 followed by the development of the engineering study/design by VHB. Once the final engineering design is reviewed and approved by NHDOT, construction would occur in mid/late 2024. The two sub-projects are summarized below.
Project A: Nashua Street / Clinton Street/Tonella Road Improvements:
As part of the Milford Downtown Pedestrian Traffic Improvements project area, the project seeks to widen Nashua Street to accommodate a center turning lane and connect sidewalks on Clinton Street, Nashua Street, and Tonella Road. Further, with the construction of the CVS Pharmacy building, the project seeks to signalize the Nashua Street and Clinton Street intersection. The general goal and objective is to relieve congestion, improve pedestrian safety and connectivity along one of the Town’s primary corridors.
Project B: Milford Downtown Oval Improvements:
The focus areas for this project involve pedestrian and traffic improvements within the Historic Oval District and the southern portion of South Street (Lincoln Street, Marshall Drive, Prospect Street, and South Street). The general goal and objective of this project is to enhance pedestrian safety/access and improve vehicular circulation throughout the Oval area and along NH 101A (Nashua Street and Elm Street), NH 13 (Mont Vernon Street), and South Street, and provide parking opportunities to support an expanding and vibrant downtown. Most of the work will fall with the existing rights-of-way and previously disturbed areas.
Brox Property Community Lands
As part of the Milford Downtown Pedestrian Traffic Improvements project area, the project seeks to widen Nashua Street to accommodate a center turning lane and connect sidewalks on Clinton Street, Nashua Street, and Tonella Road. Further, with the construction of the CVS Pharmacy building, the project seeks to signalize the Nashua Street and Clinton Street intersection. The general goal and objective is to relieve congestion, improve pedestrian safety and connectivity along one of the Town’s primary corridors.
Project B: Milford Downtown Oval Improvements:
The focus areas for this project involve pedestrian and traffic improvements within the Historic Oval District and the southern portion of South Street (Lincoln Street, Marshall Drive, Prospect Street, and South Street). The general goal and objective of this project is to enhance pedestrian safety/access and improve vehicular circulation throughout the Oval area and along NH 101A (Nashua Street and Elm Street), NH 13 (Mont Vernon Street), and South Street, and provide parking opportunities to support an expanding and vibrant downtown. Most of the work will fall with the existing rights-of-way and previously disturbed areas.
Brox Property Community Lands
In 2000, the Town made a valuable long-term investment in the acquisition of 270 acres commonly referred to as ‘the BROX Property’. The land serves to provide for ‘community’ needs for the foreseeable future (school sites, recreation and municipal facilities, a valuable supply of earth materials such as sand and gravel, open space, trails, and natural resource protection) and provides an opportunity for tax positive commercial and industrial development that will create jobs and economic development. Click here for details.
Brox Gravel Excavation and Reclamation Project:
An earth materials excavation plan was completed in early 2015 to implement recommendations in the updated Brox Community Lands Master Plan to excavate earth materials in accordance with the future planned development of a portion of the site for multi-use community needs as contemplated by the Town since the property was purchased in 2000. In the Fall of 2017, the State Department of Environmental Services with support/involvement of the NH Department of Fish and Fame, issued the required Alteration of Terrain Permit reclaim, sell for the excavation and reclamation efforts. 635,000 cubic yards of material, and restore approximately 44 acres of the Brox Community Lands. In 2019, the Town’s contractor, Northeast Sand & Gravel removed approximately 90,868 cubic yards resulting in revenues to the Town totaling $131,758.00.
Brox Property Commercial-Industrial Development
This Office continued to work with out-of-state and instate companies interested in the lease or purchase of the commercial-industrial portion of the Brox Property, thus implementing the wishes of Town voters to sell the non-community lands portion of the property. In 2019, the Town approved a 25 year lease agreement that would generate an estimated $3.5 million to the general fund. The Board of Selectmen subsequently engaged Granite Apollo, a solar development company, to develop a 16 megawatt solar generation facility on the commercial-industrial portion of the Brox Property. This Office and town officials, continues to meet with interested parties with the intent of selling the property for property tax generating revenue.
Dam Feasibility Removal Study
The Souhegan River has been an integral part of Milford even prior to its incorporation in 1794. Over the years the citizens of Milford have utilized this waterway for fishing, pre-industrial power for mills, and a multitude of recreational activities including swimming and boating.
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) EPA Federal Permit
The Community Development Office in collaboration with the Public Works Department is responsible for the management and administration for compliance with the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) federal permit. The Town of Milford is subject to regulation of its stormwater discharges to waters of the United States (most surface waters) under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). This program requires that Milford seeks permit coverage under the MS4 general permit as administered by EPA. Milford is one of fifty municipalities required to implement and enforce a Stormwater management program. The Town has been covered under this permit since 2003. However, the permit was revised in 2017 and the revisions became effective in July, 2018. In order to comply with the Permit Program, a plan has been developed which comprises the following six elements each address over a 10 year permit period:
- Public Education and Outreach
- Public Participation/Involvemen
- Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
- Construction Site Runoff Control
- Post Construction Runoff Control
- Municipal Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping