Upcoming Meetings:
Steering Committee Meeting - Tuesday, March 25 – 5:30 pm - BOS meeting Room
The Town of Milford is preparing to develop a new Master Plan. This effort will build on the successful Envision Milford's Future outreach and engagement effort completed in 2023. The Steering Committee will help the Town by guiding the planning process, and ensuring the final Master Plan reflects community priorities.
To sign up for Project Update Emails Click this Link
If you have Comments or Questions about the Master Plan Click Here to forward it on to the project team!
What is a Master Plan?
It is a road map and policy document built on the community’s shared vision and goals for the future. It also sets forth a recommended set of strategies and actions to achieve the stated vision over the next ten to twenty years. This community-created document ensures that future decisions made by our town officials, community partners, and developers are aligned with the community’s priorities. In New Hampshire, master planning falls under the purview of the Planning Board, is guided by state law (NH RSA 674), and is required as the foundation for local zoning.
What is a Master Plan?
It is a road map and policy document built on the community’s shared vision and goals for the future. It also sets forth a recommended set of strategies and actions to achieve the stated vision over the next ten to twenty years. This community-created document ensures that future decisions made by our town officials, community partners, and developers are aligned with the community’s priorities. In New Hampshire, master planning falls under the purview of the Planning Board, is guided by state law (NH RSA 674), and is required as the foundation for local zoning.
Purpose of the Master Plan:
- Understanding the existing conditions of the community, and identifying what issues the community needs to plan for and address over the next ten to twenty years.
- Identifying focus areas and actions that guide the future land use pattern: such as zoning and regulatory changes, natural resource protection initiatives, and town infrastructure investments that help achieve the community’s vision.
- Addressing contemporary issues identified by the community such as housing supply, population growth, land conservation, and climate change.
Master Plan History
In 2023, The Town of Milford, through the Milford Planning Board, collaborated with the Nashua Regional Planning Commission to conduct a community outreach effort and identify key values, challenges and opportunities facing the town. This effort is known as Envision Milford and served as an avenue for education on the master planning process, to identify key issues and topic areas facing the town, and to generate support for the future development of a town-wide master plan. The findings from this outreach effort have been summarized below and resulted in key goals and action items that will be incorporated into the development of an updated town-wide master Plan. Click the picture below to read about the findings.
Please contact Camille Pattison, Community Development Director, to share your interest in participation on the Master Plan Steering Committee at cpattison@milford.nh.gov or 603-249-0621.
(603) 249-0620
1 Union SquareMilford, NH 03055
United States
1 Union SquareMilford, NH 03055
United States