Fire Department
Welcome to the Milford Fire Department
On behalf of the men and women of the Milford Fire Department, I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our website. The fire service is traditionally referred to as a family, so from our family to yours, welcome.
The Milford Fire Department is a combination full-time and paid on-call agency that provides firefighting, technical rescue, hazardous materials and other emergency response services to the Town of Milford, New Hampshire, a community of more than sixteen thousand residents over twenty-five square miles. From a single station that was built in 1974 and renovated in 2019, 26 highly trained personnel use our 3 Engines, a Ladder, a Rescue/Pumper, a Forestry Unit, a Command Car, a Utility Truck, a UTV and a Boat to provide 24-7-365 service to the residents and visitors of this vibrant New England community. We also provide fire prevention services including permitting, plans review, inspections, and public education.
A Lieutenant and 2 firefighters staff the station from 7am to 7pm seven days a week to provide immediate response of the first responding unit. Responses overnight are handled by call firefighters. The Fire Chief, a Deputy Chief and the Administrative Assistant work full-time Monday through Friday to manage the daily operations, administrative tasks, community relations and fire prevention and safety functions of the department. The other Chief Officers manage the call personnel and operations.
To learn more about the Milford Fire Department and the services we provide, visit some of the other sections of our page or visit us in person at the station.
Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00am to 4:30pm
Emergency Response: 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 (or 366) days per year.
Phone: (603) 249-0680
Fax: (603) 673-0657
After Hours Phone: 603-673-1414
Emergency Numbers: 911
Address: Milford Fire Department, 39 School Street Milford, NH 03055
Milford Fire Department Mission Statement
The mission of the Milford Fire Department is to safeguard the citizens and visitors of our community by providing high quality fire suppression, technical rescue, fire prevention and public education services.
We shall make every effort to maintain a responsive and well-trained firefighting force capable of handling structure fires, hazardous materials, technical rescue, extreme weather events and mitigating emergency situations presented to us.
These efforts are combined with a proficient and proactive fire prevention program to include public education, code enforcement and systems engineering.
Milford Fire Department Vision
"Serving Our Community With Pride."
Our Core Values
Courage, Honor & Integrity
Fire Prevention and Safety
Fire Prevention and Safety includes all Milford Fire Department initiatives and programs to enhance the awareness, education and abilities of our citizens, businesses and visitors so they are better prepared and equipped to face fires, hazardous materials incidents, accidental injuries and natural disasters. Our goal through these programs is to reduce the loss of life, loss of property and occurrence of serious injury in our community. We maintain partnerships with the Milford Police Department, Milford Ambulance, Milford School District and other local or regional organizations to help us achieve this goal. Some of our programs include:
- Permitting, Code Enforcement Inspections and Plans Review
- Fire Origin and Cause Investigations
- Car Seat Installation Education and Inspection
- Risk Watch - A comprehensive injury prevention program.
- Learn Not to Burn
- Remembering When - A fire and fall prevention program for older adults.
- Fire Extinguisher Training
- Youth Firesetting Intervention in partnership with the Greater Nashua Youth Fire Intervention Program.
Fire Prevention and Safety is managed by Deputy Chief Riley J. Stanchina
Permitting, Inspections and Plans Review
The foundation of our prevention and safety program is built upon permitting, inspections and code enforcement. These functions allow us to take an active role in ensuring that the buildings in our community are designed, built and maintained to the minimum acceptable level of safety. We work closely with the Community Development Department to monitor all phases of construction and renovation projects within the Town to ensure compliance with NH State Law and applicable codes and standards.
An installation or operation permit obtained from the Milford Fire Department is required for the following:
- Installation of fuel fired heating and cooling equipment such as:
- Natural Gas or Propane-fired furnaces and boilers
- Woodstoves and pellet stoves
- Natural Gas or Propane-fired hot water heaters
- Fireplaces
- Installation of fuel fired standby generators
- Installation of Propane or Natural Gas piping systems
- Installation of above-ground or underground tanks for:
- Heating oil
- Motor vehicle fuel dispensing
- Propane or Natural Gas
- Installation of fire detection and suppression systems, such as:
- Automatic fire sprinkler systems
- Standpipe systems
- Fire detection and alarm systems*
- Alternative fire suppression systems
- Commercial kitchen fire suppression systems
- Fire pumps
- Installation of tents and temporary membrane or air supported structures larger than 400 square feet
- Special Events**
- Operation of a place of assembly, as defined and regulated by NH RSA 155
* An annual alarm system user permit is required by Town of Milford Ordinance in addition to the required installation permit for fire alarm systems.
** The Town of Milford requires a permit for any special event. In an effort to provide more efficient service to the community and those that host large events, the Milford Police, Fire, and Building departments have complied a list of requirements for Special Events. The information and permitting packet is available in the resource section below.
For information about permit fees, check out the "Fire Department Fee Schedule" under the Resources section below.
For information about permit fees, check out the "Fire Department Fee Schedule" under the Resources section below.
The Community Development and Fire Departments are now using an online permitting system.
- Permit applicants are now able to submit applications online; from home, the office, or the jobsite.
- We accept credit card, debit card and echeck payments online, as well as credit or debit cards in person at both locations. Checks and cash also accepted.
- Users will have access to their own applicant portal where they can easily track the status of and manage all of their permits. From this portal, you can:
- Save your licenses and expiration dates to autofill applications.
- Print copies of permits
- Upload documents
- Communicate with permitting staff
- Supporting documents can be uploaded and attached to your applications from your computer or mobile device, without having to scan, email, or copy and deliver them.
- Applicants will be able to request inspections and see the inspection schedule and history for all their permits at any time.
Here is the link to the applicant login page (PERMITEYES).
- Please click on NEW USER REGISTER HERE!
- Fill in all blanks
- Choose a user name & password
- Make sure to enter as much information as possible in your user profile, including your licenses. Your profile information will autofill relevant fields in the permit.
Your User Name and Password will be verified and all information entered will be saved. Future applications will be automatically filled in.
- Choose your permit
- Fill in all required information, click SUBMIT when complete.
- Click PAY NOW at bottom of page.
- Return to the HOME PAGE
- Click the PAPERCLIP to the right of the application to upload plans and other documentation.
Please call Community Development at 603-249-0620 or the Fire Department at 603-249-0680 if you have any questions.
Inspections provide an opportunity to evaluate compliance with laws, codes, and standards pertaining to fire and life safety as well as educate residents, building owners and business owners in avoiding unsafe building conditions. Inspections may be initiated as a requirement of issuing a permit, when required at a specific interval by law, when required for licensing requirements, when complaints are received, or upon request of a building owner or occupant. Milford Fire Department routinely performs the following Inspections:
Life Safety, Sprinkler System, Fire Alarm System, Commercial Kitchen Suppression, Day Care, Foster Care, Place of Assembly License, Wood Stove, New Construction, Furnace, Water Heater, Gas Piping, Underground or Aboveground Tank, Home Inspections, Special Events, Underground Fire Water Lines, Fire Pump, Solar Installations
What to expect during an inspection:
At the beginning of the inspection, the fire department member performing the inspection will introduce themselves, confirm they are at the correct location, inform the contact of the type and purpose of the inspection, and verify contact information. They will then inspect all areas and items that pertain to the type of inspection, which, for many inspections, could include the entire interior and exterior of the building. If code violations are observed, they will be documented and communicated to the building representative accompanying them. Once the inspection is completed, an inspection report listing any violations and corrective actions necessary will be provided. When violations are found that are not corrected immediately during the inspection, a follow-up inspection is typically scheduled to verify that violations have been corrected.
During inspections of fire protection systems and equipment, the inspector will verify if the system has been installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the codes and standards. Milford Fire Department does NOT perform maintenance or the required periodic inspections of these systems. Building owners will need to contact properly trained fire protection systems installers or maintenance providers for those services.
Inspections can be scheduled by calling 603-249-0680 between 8:00 and 4:30 Monday through Friday, or submitting an inspection request online. Inspections must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.
Plans Review
When a new building is constructed, or modifications are made to an existing building, a building permit must be obtained from Community Development. Prior to the permit being issued, Community Development and Milford Fire Department will review plans and specification documents to ensure that the designs are compliant with applicable laws, codes and standards. A thorough review of the project at the very beginning helps to avoid costly changes and significant time delays that could occur later in the construction process if the designs are found to be non-compliant.
The Milford Fire Department has created a guidance document that details what information is required as part of a plans review submittal. The "MFD Project Review Requirements" document are available on the resources section of this page.
Plans and documents should be submitted as attachments to an online permit application. For questions about the plans review and submittal process, contact the fire prevention office at 603-249-0680 x420