The Community Development Department is now offering an online permitting system.
- Permit applicants are now able to submit applications online; from home, the office, or the jobsite.
- We accept credit card, debit card and echeck payments online, as well as credit or debit cards in person at both locations. Checks and cash also accepted.
- Users will have access to their own applicant portal where they can easily track the status of and manage all of their permits. From this portal, you can:
- Save your licenses and expiration dates to autofill applications.
- Print copies of permits
- Upload documents
- Communicate with permitting staff
- Supporting documents can be uploaded and attached to your applications from your computer or mobile device, without having to scan, email, or copy and deliver them.
- Applicants will be able to request inspections and see the inspection schedule and history for all their permits at any time.
Here is the link to the applicant login page (Permiteyes).
- Please click on NEW USER REGISTER HERE!
- Fill in all blanks
- Choose a user name & password
- Make sure to enter as much information as possible in your user profile, including your licenses. Your profile information will autofill relevant fields in the permit.
Your User Name and Password will be verified and all information entered will be saved. Future applications will be automatically filled in.
Here is the link to apply for permits (Permiteyes)
- Choose your permit
- Fill in all required information, click SUBMIT when complete.
- Click PAY NOW at bottom of page.
- Return to the HOME PAGE
- Click the PAPERCLIP to the right of the application to upload plans and other documentation.
Please call Community Development at 603-249-0620 if you have any questions or concerns.
Building Department Overview
The mission of the Department of Building Safety is to administer the International Building Codes adopted by the State of N.H. and the Town of Milford and zoning regulations in a professional manner, with a positive attitude providing customer service to applicants seeking permits, inspections, and information. The Department also provides technical assistance/guidance to other departments, boards and commissions.
Areas of service
- Issuance of permits for building construction and miscellaneous work
- Inspections for construction and miscellaneous work for compliance with building, zoning and site plan regulations
- Issuance of Certificates of Occupancy and Certificates of Compliance
- Investigations for building, zoning and site complaints with enforcement action as required
- Maintain records for building and property activity
- Provide assistance with property inquiries
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday:
8:00am to 4:30pm
(603) 249-0620
(603) 249-0620
(603) 673-2273
Office of Comm.Development
1 Union SquareMilford, NH 03055